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Saturday, August 29, 2009

(because blogger sucks hahahahaha.)

Saturday, August 22, 2009
certain stuffs are just not funny at all.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
i almost died during pt today.

sorry if i had scared you guys or something ><
and that i was really slow and made you all wait for me. paiseh ><

thanks for all the concern(: and rae (and her dad) for sending me home:D

i didnt faint!

it felt like i was about to though. i was never so close to walking towards the light before i guess. hahaha.

did running, 80 step ups, 1 min of uh some arm thingy, 40 dips, 60 of the stupid wave-your-arm thing, 30 of the flick-your-fingers thing, 30 secs of the lie-down-and-lift-your-legs-up thing, 20 leg scissors thing. i dont know how to describe those exercise lah.

then i wanted to die. puke, can't open my eyes, cannot breathe, etc etc -- the whole package. i think corliss said something like my face was damn pale or something.

couldn't finish the whole exercise routine.

i think mr elson loh or someone came up to me and told me to calm down.

"breathe slowly, you are scaring your friends..focus.."

the more he said stuffs, the more scared i was, and the more i tried to draw in air slowly. but i just ended up choking and all the gasping and the people crowding around me made me even more scared, and all this was just really, a vicious cycle.

then the teacher (who made me go through all the torture) came and told me to open my eyes and look at him.

he looked like, blue in colour. basically everything was blue, the grass was blue, people's skins were blue, clothes were blue, etc.

but i couldn't stand opening my eyes because it was exhausting to even lift my eyelid.

(somemore he was the one who caused me to become like this, 狼狈, tearing, and everything unglam.)

okay, so after some time i felt better. fingers felt damn bloody numb. pins and needles.

and my group de people (rae, yiming, bernice, xuxi) and the PE teachers who came were very funny, so yeah. thanks(:

haiz. bad experience.

and to think i had lots of fun right before swimming lessons. mdm tia nvr come today, relief teacher also never come. so me and rae started to play memory game using uno, then yiming bernice and doreen joined us, then peihao come and kapo. and brought weining here hahahaha.

played uno 10 mins before we had to go to the car porch to assemble.

super kanchiong.

we were like, "faster lah you is blue/red/green/yellow colour!"

draw two reverse reverse reverse skip you blablablablah.

in the end we didnt finish the game, but it was very thrilling all the same hahaha.

(and they all very nice sia! totally hit-and-run lah. play finish then throw cards to me, rae, bernice and doreen to keep. very considerate hor!! D< LOL)

in the end we reached the car porch early, sweating like some idiot. z.

and after that game, i was damn 狼狈 (refer to the top of the post) -.- ironic shit.
why didnt God take me away while i was struggling so hard? i felt like giving up, but hearing the word "friends" coming from elson loh just made me feel..idk. maybe there was something for me to live for.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009
transparent rings ftw!
thanks ah flendd(:
friends are more ke3 kao4 yeah.


i should not have went blog-hopping.
now this stupid phobia of mine just became worse k.
maybe i should just start to avoid everything that has got to do about him.
pick up all that shards, and leave without a trace or something more emo.

i should just disintegrate from the surface of the earth or something.
i hate myself for being the most foolish person on earth like how i am the nicest person on earth.
im just not good enough to deserve to have that lovely but improbable dream of mine to come true.
my childish and wishful thinking.

and i realised it is not just me, there are so many others out there. better than me in any way.
more matured,
not as superficial as me,
english better than me,
less vulgar than me,
more responsible,
not as dao as me,
doesnt scream and go crazy,
doesnt fangirl,
doesnt play uno during champs,
have rings,
and the list can go on forever.
very long.

-insert something more emo please-
(because i know my english is not that good to type, you know, those kind of stuffs. that is touching and gan3 ren2 and everything.)

(that's just me, and that's why i hate myself.)

i suck lah. i already knew that certain stuffs are never going to happen and yet i still remain on this same spot, like how i was few years ago.


*strangles geog assignment even though the deadline had been extended alr*

art is !@#%^&.

later still got piano. wapiang oi.

stupid lah my chinese very good meh why must choose me to go to the stupid compo enrichment thing and !@$# why must 4-6pm why must make me change my piano to saturday why why why why whyyyzxc shh0 suckiieshzxc wann ); iiee am siiianzxc untiu wann tuu diiee luhhhszxczxczxc.

(okay that was disgusting hahahahahaha)

ok it just means that im bored.

will update later about the past few days. maybe. (alot of stuffs happened LOL.)

you became a phobia of some sort.

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Monday, August 10, 2009



yours truly.



blogger sucks

-.- but i will leave this here anyway. LOL.

x x